Extradition Bill – 逃犯条例
In the wake of the ongoing demonstration in Hong Kong that started peacefully, has turned into an ugly riot and disruption. The protest was triggered by the extradition bill proposal in response to the gruesome homicide involving a Hong Kong couple in Taiwan. The ongoing demonstration turned ugly and became a major disruption of government operation leading to violent confrontation with the police.

Masked Violence – 掩面暴徒
As an overseas Chinese of Cantonese origin it is heart breaking to see Hong Kong being destroyed by these rioters with their senseless violent acts. I have the utmost empathy for those who built Hong Kong; they are the ones that are impacted the most by these criminal acts. I condemn these thugs that are destroying Hong Kong.

False Western Media Narratives – 西方媒体的误导
While the Western media portraits this matter with Anti China rhetoric, I want to “draw” a different perspective, a view through circumstantial experience. There is a double standard when it comes to Google, Facebook etc. claiming itself to be the ultimate freedom of speech platform but when their search engine is filtered and content of non Western advocates are banned. Just google the Hong Kong Protest and you will see that about 90% of text and image content to be anti China.
西方媒体多以带有反华的主观情绪来修饰关于此事件的报道。凭借多年跨文化经验和思考,我想在此为大家 “绘制”一个更加客观的事实。西方主流媒体如谷歌,脸书等,表面上声称自己是言论自由的平台,却实际上对“言论自由”有着双重标准,他们过滤掉反对西方主流观点的信息。如果你在谷歌搜索“香港抗议”,你将会看到约90%左右的反华文字和图像。(译者备注:西方媒体更多展示此次事件为政府暴力镇压香港言论自由,而没有报道暴徒的疯狂破坏行为,也没有对事情的起因进行描述。)

Creative Visuals – 视觉创意
As a designer I want to design some visuals with Chinese characters that reflects these violent protestors utilizing their weaponry. During the riots protestors deploy bricks, metal poles, barricades and yellow umbrellas. I have utilized Chinese character to describe these protestors as thugs and traitors to combine with their weaponry into a creative visual.

Thug’s Weaponry – 暴徒的武器
When the protest escalated, protestors/rioters used mental fences to build a barricade to disrupt traffic and sharp metal pole to attack the police. Protestors broke up pavements to dig up bricks to throw at the police and to shatter building windows. This is just the beginning of a bigger riot when these thugs stormed into the Legislative Council building and turn the place upside down with a damage of 50 million HKD. Thanks to these idiots the harder working taxpayers of China has to pay for this bill.

Traitor behind the Mask – 戴口罩的汉奸
While these protestors claim their protest is peaceful, yet the majority of them are violent wearing face mask to hide their identity. If they have nothing to hide why wearing a face mask? The mask has become a key symbol of this protest. These are violent thugs that are willing to destroy their own country is an act of treason.

Thug under Umbrella – 暴徒的雨伞
Another key symbol of the protest is the yellow umbrella; it was used to shield off the water and tear gas and became the symbol of the color revolution. During the riots the umbrellas were also used to beat anybody that opposed their ideas.

Traitor under Umbrella – 打伞的汉奸
The umbrella symbol for me however represents the destruction of Hong Kong by traitors that want their colonial master to intervene in China’s internal affairs. They started to march with the US and British flag. This is the highest degree of treason and therefore describe them as traitors.

Yellow Traitor Thug – 黄狗贼
One of the traitors who became the symbol of the umbrella movement is somebody who has betrayed his own country by asking the foreign power to fund the protest to destabilize China.